Rooted in Faith, Growing to Serve
Crossways Camping Ministries Capital Campaign
The Rooted in Faith campaign was first dreamed up 4+ years ago, when staff started to think about the building projects that would help camp move into a strong future. The fundraising goal was set at $1.8 million. We fell a little short of that, but we still raised 1.2 million dollars.
An Ad Hoc committee made up from staff and members of each camp's Site Team has worked hard to prioritize projects so we can accomplish as much as possible but stay within our new budget.
It's not too late to contribute. We are still accepting one-time contributions or pledges to help us accomplish as many projects as possible.

Where We Are Now
One-Time Gifts:
Pledges Received:
Pledges Outstanding:
From Over 1,000 Households & 54 Churches
Campaign Timeline
Planning and initial visits with large donors
Congregational Participation
Establish Ad-hoc Building Committee
Prioritize Projects
Design Blueprints
Schedule Construction*
* Construction demands in Wisconsin are currently high. Plans will be implemented as workers and supplies are available.
Project Priority
1) The Lodge at Imago Dei Village
status: near completion
This work has extended the life and usability of this building for decades to come. Large groups will be able to gather comfortably, and meal service will now be available year-round.
2) Director’s House at Imago Dei Village
status: collecting estimates; schedule work for 2021
The care of and safety for our site directors is a top value for camp. The new Director's House will replace an inadequate living quarters for one of our most critical roles onsite.
3) Dining hall at Pine Lake Camp
status: redeveloping plans
As one of the most used buildings onsite, the space will provide a newly developed welcoming area for all guests. Bathroom facilities will also be updated and improved.
4) Showerhouse at Waypost
status: researching
A critical component of summer camp, updating our showerhouse will allow us to continue welcoming summer campers and guests in a more efficient way.
5) The Lodge at Waypost
status: researching
Our year-round space at Waypost will welcome guests for meals and lodging in a fresh space that is comfortable for groups of varying sizes.

Imago Dei Village Lodge Progress

Imago Dei Village Lodge Progress
Our Campaign Co-Chairs

Rev. Robert and Mildred Herder, Honorary Co-Chairs