Volunteer With Crossways
We celebrate and give thanks for the many volunteers who contribute so much to the mission and ministry of Crossways! Volunteers make it possible for camp to accomplish more than we could ever do on our own.
Specific needs change seasonally, from supporting our summer programs to moving forward with facilities and site needs.
Jobs include:
Camp turnover (cleaning common spaces)
Dessert baking or Grilling
Check-in/Check-out (guiding people around camp)
Raking & Landscaping
Painting (interior & exterior)
Administrative Support
Event Support
Mailing Support
All volunteers must be 18+ years old (or a minor with their guardian) and pass a background check.

Contact Us
Imago Dei Village:
Pine Lake Camp:
pinelake@crosswayscamps.org | 715-258-3813
Waypost Camp: