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Crossways Camping Ministries is stepping forward in faith to Follow Christ’s Call. Through the strategic planning process, the Crossways Board of Directors has thoughtfully developed a vision with a supporting plan that moves  our vital ministry forward. 

Before 2020, overall camper numbers were trending in decline. When Covid stopped us in our tracks, we were uncertain of the long term effects, but gratefully received funding from generous supporters, as well as temporary government relief, in order to weather the storm. Now, as we look at the changing church around us and the new challenges of hiring summer teams, it is clear that moving forward in faith requires change and innovation.

Moving Administrative Operations to Ministry Sites

Thoughtful discernment led to move the administration and operations of the Crossways mission to the camp ministry sites. As a result, the Board of Directors decided to close the physical Administrative Office (located at Zion Lutheran, 912 N Oneida St., Appleton, WI) at the end of 2023. We are thankful for the ways this space has served our ministry for many years. The Board of Directors also moved forward with the elimination of our Registration Manager position as of September 2023. Registrations, reservation requests, billing and invoicing will be handled at each individual site. Registrations and reservation requests will begin online and be followed up with by the appropriate staff person. 

Collaborative Leadership

An innovative approach to staffing brought forward by the Personnel Committee will bring Crossways into a Collaborative Leadership staffing model. A rotating Chair of Operations will serve in two-year terms to foster increased collaborative partnerships amongst the three ministry sites. Experienced director level positions at each of the sites will be eligible to serve in this role. The Board of Directors invited Robyn Koehler to serve as the first Chair of Operations. In lieu of an Executive Director position, the Chair of Operations will lead amongst their peers to ensure decisions are collaborative and mission centered. Modifications to site-based positions will build the collaboration into the day-to-day functions of their roles. Creativity in the development of our summer staff teams will also support the value of collaboration across the Crossways Organization.  

Innovative Programming and Efforts Towards Inclusion


In order to serve a wider spectrum of God’s beloved children, Crossways continues to develop innovative programming with an effort toward access and inclusion. We are recognizing barriers to campers and families and are working to invite and welcome additional campers to current, new, and innovative programs. Ongoing strategic planning will continue to advance our vision to be a ministry that includes and supports diverse populations.

The Crossways Board of Directors is committed to the continued work of supporting the ministry of Crossways into the next season of our shared mission. Our ongoing strategic planning is dedicated to long term sustainability. The Board of Directors is investing exceptional time and personal passion in the path toward an exciting and vibrant future for Crossways Camping Ministries.  

In this coming year, 

  • Campers of all ages can expect a high quality, faith centered program offered at all three of our ministry sites. 

  • Congregations will continue to be valued ministry partners with access to resources, responses, and information in an effective manner. 

  • Supporters can be assured that resources will be managed in a responsible and effective way that amplifies the impact. 


How to Give Checks Made out to Crossways Camping Ministries Mail to Crossways Camps 912 N.

It is a priority to us that in the midst of transition, our Crossways Community continues to know who to contact for assistance. 
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What is Collaborative Leadership?Collaborative leadership means that the process of decision-making is truly collaborative. Decisions are worked out among all of the participants. Collaborative leadership has much in common with both servant leadership and transformational leadership.
Continued Here... 

All Crossways Inquiries 

Strategic Planning Inquiries 
Board President, Rev. Rich Block 

Now Hiring: 

After input from listening sessions, along with discussion and prayers of discernment, the board voted unanimously to adopt a new mission and vision statement.

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